Our Aims.

  • To provide detailed and poignant articles on aspects of Barbadian culture

  • To act as an archive of information

  • To encourage individuals to conduct their own research

Stacia Martindale

A recent graduate of the University of the West Indies in French and History, Stacia is passionate about history, culture and language. Her love for these three areas blossomed while at secondary school and has since made it her mission to continue discovering them on a deeper level. She has conducted an extensive research thesis on the contributions of gullies to Barbadian social and culture life as well as worked as a research intern for the Water Sector Resilience Nexus. With such an appreciation for her local and regional culture, it is her desire to share such with Bajans and other interested individuals by researching areas of our culture that matter most to us.

Akini Glasgow

A member of the UWI Cave Hill Graduating Class of 2021 where he completed his degree in International Relations with a minor in History, Akini feels strongly about Barbadian relations with itself and the world it navigates. Along with his deep passion for Caribbean culture and history and the sociological effects of those factors today, he is also very occupied with the dissemination of knowledge. He truly believes that hiding educational and detailed resources behind paywalls is a hindrance to the development of society. Therefore, it is his goal to provide high quality content on Barbadian culture for free, in addition to providing resources to allow for regular people to conduct their own research.